Friday, 14 December 2012

Christmas Goodies {Bunch of Freebies}

12 more days 'til Christmas!! 6 more days of school!! Yee haw! So excited! Here are a few pics of the Christmas fun I've been doing at home. We tried to get the puppies to pose in front of the Christmas tree. This was the best shot we got. Bella is just staring intently at the treat. Hehe.

These were the cake pops I made this past weekend for a Christmas potluck with our friends. They were a big hit! I've made cake pops three times so far... this batch was the best yet! They take a lot of time, but so cute and so delicious!

After seeing these shirts on Pinterest, I had to order some! These are my ugly Christmas t-shirts from Vardagen. Love them!! Can't wait to wear them next week. I'm going to wear something Christmas-y each day next week. I also have a Grinch shirt, a "real" ugly Christmas sweater, and some reindeer antlers. Gotta spread the Christmas cheer!

And finally, here is my Christmas tree all prettied up. The presents are all wrapped up and waiting for Christmas now! This was take 2 of the Christmas tree. The day after we put it up, the tree fell over and all the lights and decorations fell off. Some even broke :( At least we got to decorate the tree twice, right? I am never going to be one of those people with the matchy-matchy tree, all in one beautiful colour scheme. No, sir! My tree has colourful lights and the most random collection of ornaments you will find--from Winnipeg Jets candy canes to a Mickey Mouse made out of walnuts to random ornaments from students of the past. I love it just the way it is! :)

Alright, onto some school-related Christmas fun! We finished up our Gingerbread unit. Look at all these books we read! We did a little tally on the side of our chart to see which book was the favourite in the class--The Gingerbread Girl won us over! The Gingerbread Cowboy was a close second. We just liked saying, "Giddy up!"

We decorated our own gingerbread houses using stickers, construction paper, and markers. They turned out pretty cute. Then we did some writing about the houses. You can download the writing paper from {here}. Candy clipart border is from KPM Doodles.

You can see some of our cute tissue paper trees. I give them the outline of a tree on manilla tag. Then they "modge podge" (glue/water mixture) tissue paper squares all over the tree. We cute them out and decorate with a BIT of glitter glue. So easy and so cute!

We also did Abby's "wet gingerbread" experiment (found for free here). We made predictions and observed what happens when a gingerbread man gets wet! Here's our soggy gingerbread man. Eew!

I had this colour by sight word worksheet from Kroger's Kindergarten (found for free here). I wanted to do a fun little activity to practice the sight words before we did the colouring page, so I made these sight word scramble cards. The letters for each sight word are printed on separate cards with a matching picture. I randomly passed out the letter cards and the students had to find the other students with matching pictures, then unscramble the letters to make a sight word! It was super fun and engaging! If you are interested, you can download the sight word cards {here}. Christmas clipart is from KPM Doodles.

Finally, we did some Christmas patterns today! I printed the patterns on 11x17" paper, so the Christmas items were really big. Students had to colour each row of items in a different pattern. It was good review on creating patterns. You can download the page {here}. This was actually a nice, relaxing activity this afternoon as we listened to some Christmas carols on the iPod. :)

Last up, I want to share a new freebie packet I made for TpT. It's called "Snowman Counting & Number Activities". I'm going to use one of the activities next week and then use the other ones when we get back from Christmas break. That's the great thing about snowmen--they can be used anytime, from November-February (at least where I live!! hehe). Click the picture below to check it out at TpT!

Inside the pack there are snowman cards from 0-100.

 And there are six different activity sheets to go with the number cards:

1. What comes next? -- counting on forwards
2. What comes before? -- counting backwards
3. Snowman Order -- ordering from least to greatest
4. Before and After -- numbers one less and one more
5. Greater Than or Less Than -- comparing numbers
6. Snowman Counting -- counting forward to 100

The great thing about these activities is they are so easy to differentiate! Just pass out different sets of number cards to each group, depending on their level (ie. 1-30, 1-50, or 1-100). Easy peasy! I hope you enjoy this pack! Happy Friday tomorrow, everyone! :)

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